Mosaics Bring a Classical Art Form Home
Posted on 2017-12-28 17:07:33Mosaics Bring a Classical Art Form Home
Tile Art Adds Personal Style to a Backsplash, Bathroom, Fireplace or Patio
I fell for art mosaics and I fell hard when I stood under the spectacular ceilings of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome for the first time. How could I not when you consider that they've been an enduring decorative art form for the better part of the last 5,000 years? With a history like that, it's safe to say I'm not alone in my appreciation.
The term mosiac gets thrown around pretty loosely. While I'm hardly the final authority, I need a definition of an art mosaic to differentiate it from a sheeted mosaic. Not that there's anything wrong with sheeted mosaics, it's just that sometimes a room needs a little extra. An art mosaic creates an original image or a pattern from small pieces of glass, stone or ceramic called tesserae. The arrangement becomes art.
Adding an art mosaic to a backsplash, a fireplace surround or a bathroom is a great way to add some permanent art to a room design. Whether they're commissioned and created from an artist, ordered from a catalog or put together in a weekend DIY project, they personalize a home in ways many other decorative flourishes can't.
Mosaics aren't so much timeless as they are ageless. And even modern ones are made the same way they've always been made. I can't think of another contemporary art form with that kind of pedigree.
This mosaic shower has the subtlety of a haiku. The walls are covered in small pieces of white marble, and the bird silhouettes are rendered in a quartzite called Blue Macauba. Natural stone can be delicate; this installation proves that point elegantly.
This single branch of a flowering dogwood lends a dignity to this fireplace it wouldn't have otherwise. By making it with glass tile, the artist ensured the finished mosaic would have a liveliness at the same time.
Mosaics lend themselves to geometry as well as they do panoramas. The mosiac back splash in this kitchen makes the "e" in eclectic a capital letter.
The chunky Cubism of this ceramic tile mosaic adds a primitive, artistic flourish to this vanity. A little imagination, a lot of planning and a box of broken tile took this mundane lavatory and turned it into an art installation.
A scenic mosaic adds a classical touch to this bath. Mosiacs can't represent real life exactly by virtue of how they're made, so all mosaics add a bit of impressionist flair to wherever they're placed.
Grapes have been a recurring motif in kitchen designs since Roman times, and when they're rendered in stone they pay homage to that pedigree. This cooking alcove has an artful feel that doesn't tie it to any particular style or time.
Could a mosaic find its way into your home? Do any of these ideas speak to you?
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